Weekend Link Love 4/25/10

Site newsQuick reminder: There are two primary ways you can subscribe to BirthdayShoes — email and RSS. For each method, you have the option of subscribing by email or RSS! BirthdayShoes Blog Feed — Email | RSS [All blog posts &mda…

Site news

Quick reminder:  There are two primary ways you can subscribe to BirthdayShoes — get all updates to the site including reviews, news, and user stories; or just get the news posts.  For each method, you have the option of subscribing by email or RSS!

  • BirthdayShoes Blog Feed — Email | RSS [All blog posts — news, reviews, user stories, tips, resources, etc.]
  • BirthdayShoes News Feed — Email | RSS [Posts covering new VFF models, big news in the minimalist/barefoot community, etc. — less frequent updates]

You might notice some posts to the blog by a gent named Britt.  Britt hails from Texas and is actually the guy who came up with the name "Birthday Shoes" back in early 2009 when I was trying to figure out a domain name for this site!  I've asked Britt to help me keep up BirthdayShoes and he has graciously agreed.  Welcome aboard, Britt!

costume photo from nytimes.com

Frog Shoes get taken literally by Australian costume designer Kym Barrett

Primal Chat talks about using Stuffits to keep your VFFs smelling nice. BirthdayShoes is also testing Stuffits out and hopes to review them in the coming weeks.

Also, Justin is featured in this week's Primal Chat Spear Tosser Spotlight interview (blush).

Channing Tatum (previously covered here: TMZ ) is at it again in Vibram KSOs.

Thanks go out to Shanti for mentioning birthdayshoes.com in her excellent blog post about her first impressions of Vibram Five Fingers Classics.

patri friedman photo from globo.com

Patri Friedman of the Seasteading Institute (interviewed about freedom at sea and VFFs here) took his Five Fingers Performas to Brazil to speak on freedom. Apparently he fielded plenty of questions about both Seasteading and his Vibram Five Fingers.

M.C. (Read her guest post on VFFs and Z-Health for BirthdayShoes) discusses the importance of assessing movement and not reducing footwear to single factor thinking.

Check out Ian Wendt of Special Circumstances latest VFF adventures.

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews

In the first Bikila review we've found, Barefoot Phil gives a thumbs up.

If you missed it, Birthday Shoes does a detailed first impressions take on the new Vibram Five Fingers Bikila!

A solid review of the KSO over at Jogger's Life.

Here is a funny take on a fivefingers review.

New York City Graphic Designer, Ryan Riegner, explains why he chose Five Fingers for his daily hikes through the city.

All added to the monster list of Vibram Five Fingers reviews.

Vibram Five Fingers Videos

A cool free running video by an official Vibram FiveFingers tester:

Via Justin Gutwein this video (Note the mention of Travel Country):

Vibrams fan Clinton shown below playing bass in his black Classics.  Classics never looked so cool!  Enjoy a listen to Cami Stinson and the Riot:

Vibram USA CEO, Tony Post, interviewed Corrado Giambalvo, part of the Vibram Team, before his race in the Boston Marathon where he wore the new Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas. Also, thanks to Corrado for dropping by birthdayshoes.com to comment on Dan's race in Boston.