Weekend Link Love 5/1/10

Latest Vibram Five Fingers LinksMahoney’s Outfitters is teaming up with Vibram Five Fingers for the fivefinger 5k in Johnson City, TN. This is the first ever Vibram sponsored 5K road run. Winners will get t-shirts and prizes, including 10 pairs of Vibram…

Making the Transition to Minimalist Marathon Running in Vibram Five Fingers

Sam, a marathon runner living in London, has made the transition to minimalist running, Vibram Five Fingers KSOs, over the last 8 months. After trying to transition too quickly, he stepped back and made a more gradual transition and recently completed the Rotterdam Marathon wearin…

Vibram Five Fingers KSOs Give Grand Canyon Hiker a Foot Massage and Impress Park Rangers

Vibram Five Fingers fan, Nick, comments on hiking the Grand Canyon in his KSOs:I’ve been running in my KSOs for a few months now, but haven’t had much opportunity to take them out into nature and get them dusty. I recently went to the Grand Canyon…

An Interview with Barefoot Michael, Founder of the Primalfoot Alliance

How did you get into barefooting? Why do you think it is important?First of all, let me take an opportunity to thank you for this interview and the ability to speak to your readers. You operate a fantastic site and I look forward to working with y…

Vibram Five Fingers provide sure footing in the jungles of Belize and Guatemala

Travelers, Jeff and his wife, found that their Vibram Five Fingers classics and KSOs were perfect for scaling ruins and exploring caves in the jungles of Belize and Guatemala.

Vibram Five Fingers Fan Blazes a Trail in the Warrior Dash

Recently, active birthdayshoes.com participant, Jawa, ran in a Warrior Dash. The course was 3.08 miles long with 12 obstacles including leaping over fire, trudging through water and over logs and scrambling under barbed wire. Over 5,300 warriors raced on…

IT Geeks introduce Vibram Five Fingers to Cebu City

Where exactly is Cebu City and who wears Vibram Five Fingers there? With a population of almost one million people, Cebu City is located in the Philippines. Lavin and Lhar are technology teachers at a university there. Lavin comments on discovering VFFs:…

Marathoner overcomes an IT Band injury and completes the Boston Marathon in his Vibram Five Finger KSOs

After suffering from knee pain and IT Band syndrome in February, Dan switched to Five Fingers and completed the Boston Marathon this last weekend. He describes his experience:

Ninja Runner Unable to Avoid Attention in Black KSO Vibrams

Though many fans get tired of the constant looks and questions from strangers, having a conversation piece on your feet is a great way to meet people — and spread the good word about freeing your feet a la Vibram Five Fingers.

Hiking Mount Si in Vibram Five Finger KSOs (Do you know why Mount Si is famous?)

Do you know why Mount Si is famous? Mount Si is located near North Bend, Washington and is where the 90s television show Twin Peaks was filmed. Vibram Five Fingers fan Kevin recently hiked up Mount Si in his KSOs and took these beautiful pictures.