Patrick heads to Parks and Libraries in Five Finger KSOs

Patrick (linuxracr on the forums) from Dallas posted the above photos taken at various places includ

Tripp Tests out his Classic Vibram Five Fingers on a Trail

Tripp, a new VFFer out in Austin, Texas, wrote in about his first week walking about in his Five Fin

Hiking Eastern Newfoundland in Vibram Five Fingers Sprints

I received the above photo of Alain, which was taken on a hike in Easter Newfoundland, Canada. I as

Maria Hikes the North Cascade Mountains in her VFF Sprints

click any image to enlarge!Maria Coryell-Martin sent in the above photos taken on her recent, tw

Seret and Husband in Blue Ninja Feet (Vibram Five Fingers KSOs). Hiking shots!

Vibram Five Fingers fan Seret sends in photos of her and her husband’s blue and grey camouflaged KSO Vibrams.

Jason Tree-Climbing in Colorodo in his Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers

A Vibram Five Fingers fan photo from Jason who hangs from his tree wearing his KSO Vibrams. Real feet are great!