Weekend Link Love 4/11/2010

This week’s latest Vibram Five Fingers fan installment of link love includes a couple announcements about upcoming barefoot running events, a celebrity sighting (Jorge Garcia of LOST), and more!

First off, a couple of announcements:

If you hadn’t yet heard, Vibram is hosting their first ever barefoot running clinic in Boston this coming Saturday, April 17 at the original CitySports location. Both Christopher McDougall and Daniel Lieberman will be there — if I could only get to Beantown to attend! If anyone is planning on going to the clinic, please let me know! It’s impossible to say, but the timing of this clinic and the expected release of the Bikila — hard to see this as just a coincidence! Maybe the Bikila will be seen this Saturday! For full event details, check Vibram’s Facebook announcement.

Speaking of barefoot running, The Barefoot Runners Society has launched in Beta testing! And if you’re in Atlanta this coming Sunday (April 18), stop by Lullwater Park by Emory to run the trails, get instruction, or meet other barefoot runners in Atlanta. I’ll personally be doing my part to be there (my form still needs some help!). More details here.

Also, Rob over with Michael Sandler’s RunBare is working on coordinating a barefoot running wave for the 32nd Annual Bolder Boulder on May 31st in Boulder, Colorado. The Bolder Boulder is the 2nd largest 10K in the country and Barefoot or Vibram Five Fingers-shod runners will get their own wave in the race! Exciting! As far as details to sign-up, Rob added:

To register to start the race with fellow barefoot and VFF runners, when entering your information on the Bolder Boulder Registration page, in the DETAILS Box, all you have to do is enter RUNBARE and you will be registered to start the race with our group!

Here is the race website: www.BolderBoulder.com.

Into the TV show LOST (I am but don’t get me started!)? Jorge Garcia, the actor who plays Hugo “Hurley” Reyes, recently posted photos on his blog from a trip to a Goat Dairy farm in Maui. What makes this noteworthy in the Vibram fan community is that Garcia was wearing black and orange KSO Five Fingers. Tack on to Channing Tatum another VFF celebrity sighting.

Spin over to John Elder’s Egoscue Nashville (also seen at Daniel’s myfivefingers.com) for a discussion about Vibram Five Fingers and overcoming hip pain.

Active Five Fingers fan community (and forums) member Alan Thwaits recently ran a 30K in his KSOs. You can read his race report here. Way to go, Alan!

New VFF fan David talks about his first impressions with his black KSOs. First time surprises? Sore abs from walking! Keep at it, David!

Mary Agnes over at Running Nuns also shares her first impressions of her grey/palm KSOs. Yes, you read right: running nuns. Check it out!
Posted 4/12/10 — got held up yesterday, apologies on the delay!

Making Five Fingers work for you despite Morton’s Toe typically means sizing up to your “long toe.” That is, unless you have a vise! You can stretch the second toe pocket to make it longer if you’re feeling adventurous! The end result is a pair of Morton’s Toe friendly Five Fingers. A sight to behold!

Finally, a new video review from Vibram fan community member Josue of My Achilles Rupture, which has been added to the web reviews page. Watch Josue here:

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

5 replies on “Weekend Link Love 4/11/2010”

Amazing news about the barefoot clinic in Boston. I’ll be sure to be there and I’ll keep a sharp eye out for any exciting news! Can’t wait to get my copy of Born to Run signed and who knows, I may be the first on my block with a new pair of Bikilas!

I plan on going to the Boston clinic also. Seemed exciting enough anyways, but with the potential Bikila unveiling its sure to be a good day. I’ll keep you updated!

Looking forward to the clinic this Saturday. I’m also going to get my Born to Run signed. I’m dragging my girlfriend and a couple others along to prove I’m not crazy for going barefoot.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the Bikila!

This would be a great clinic to attend. Wish i lived in the area. someone please let use know how it turns out. also in hopes of the bakilas coming out…..that is awesome!!!! i have been waiting for these things…putting off getting a new pair to replace my old ones i have had for a few years now. as always, keep up the barefoot love.

Thanks for posting this!! I never would have known and will definitely go. It would be awesome if they released the Bikilas, but I’m not counting on that.

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