Cody Climbs at Clayton beach off Chuckanut drive (in Five Finger Sprints)

Got a couple photos in the mailbag from Cody. Cody’s was climbing at Clayton Beach, Washington. I

Vibram FiveFingers Sighted in NYC

Kevin (koffekev on the forums) was recently gallivanting around New York City with his niece when he

Hiking Eastern Newfoundland in Vibram Five Fingers Sprints

I received the above photo of Alain, which was taken on a hike in Easter Newfoundland, Canada. I as

Daniel’s Vibram FiveFingers KSOs and the Blue Angels

Daniel sent in the above photo (click to enlarge) showing off his grey Vibram fivefinger KSOs. In t

Frank Forencich on Paying Attention (Via barefooting)

Frank Forencich, writer, philosopher, human advocate, and founder of Exuberant Animal (website | blo

Maria Hikes the North Cascade Mountains in her VFF Sprints

click any image to enlarge!Maria Coryell-Martin sent in the above photos taken on her recent, tw

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 7/12/09

And another week of Vibram fivefingers reviews: Vibram Five-Fingers Shoes and “Barefoot” Runnin

Tim Finishing Triathlons in Five Fingers

Above are photos of Tim Kelley taken as he was finishing the Dextrose ITU Triathlon in Washington D.

Could VFFs (or barefooting!) ever go mainstream?

It’s a question we’ve kicked around on the forums: could Vibram fivefingers, specifically, or barefo

New Model Update on the Five Fingers Performa

A comment by Bryan over in Culver City indicated he had seen the elusive Vibram Five Fingers “Perfor