Scott Rafer at TechCrunch London in his Classic FiveFingers

Internet entrepreneur Scott Rafer passed on a photo taken of him by Taylor Davidson giving a present

Adam takes his fivefinger KSOs to the Cowboys Monday Night Football Game

In the mailbag this evening comes photos from last night’s Cowboys game a la black Vibram fivefinger

An amputee talks about his fivefinger KSOs

I was recently contacted by Adam, an individual who had to have his left leg amputated after suffer

Rana drives, walks, runs, and hikes in her Vibram Sprints

Rana emailed me the other day to let me know she had blogged about her recent experiences with her V

New Men’s KSO color Black and Orange fivefingers in time for Halloween

New VFFer and forum member Corin (“nironavro”) has spotted that at least one online retailer is carr

Leif Rustvold Covers the Distance – as Minimally as he can!

Leif Rustvold is an ultramarathon barefoot and Vibram Five Fingers runner. In this post Leif talks about his minimalist approach to running and his experiences with Vibrams.

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 9/27/09

Prior five weeks listings of Vibram fivefingers reviews:Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 9/20/

College Football in black KSO 5 Fingers

Sonia sent in the above photo taken last week’s Penn State Vs. Temple game. Sonia is sporting her n

New Kicks in Waikiki: Fivefinger Sprints and Classics

The jury is in: Vibram fivefingers are the perfect compliment to Hawaii.Above, we see Jennifer p

Maria hikes to the top of Mount Taugetus, Greece in FiveFinger Sprints

Maria sent in the above photos taken on her recent trek to the top of Mount Taugetus, Lakonia, Greec