Miguel Takes his new VFFs for a Spin to the Beach

Above are Miguel’s new kicks — the brown/walnut Classic Five Fingers. The photo was taken aft

Alan’s first half-marathon in his fivefinger KSOs

Alan Thwaits photoed above before a recent 10-K he ran in his black KSO fivefingersAlan Thwaits,

Javier tours Turkey in black KSO fivefingers

Javier sent in the above photos from a trip he took to Turkey earlier this year. From top to bottom

Dave’s Classic FiveFingers

I received the above photos from Dave showcasing his Nike Air Rifts, green/yellow Classic fivefinger

Barefoot Running in the Irish Times (And another shot of the upcoming fivefinger Bikilas!)

An article titled Bare feet or funny feet? by Paul Cullen appeared in the Irish Times today. The pi

Steven Hiking Waterfalls in Hawaii in Five Finger KSOs

As I sit in my gloomy* office listening to the rain, a sound I normally love but am beginning to tir

Pedal Play 2 with Lou: Biking in KSO fivefingers

Lou snaps a couple photos before going on a bike ride around Austin in his black KSO Vibram Five Fingers.

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 9/20/09

This week’s latest reviews (and one I missed from prior weeks!): Vibram FiveFingers KSO Review

Barefoot Shoes

A look at the new Black KSO Trek fivefingers (And comparison to black KSOs) [Video]

A comparison of the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek to the FiveFingers KSO barefoot shoes in video.

Hiking Mount Marcy in black KSO Five Fingers

Received the above photos taken of Axel (and friend) on a hike up Mount Marcy in New York (The top o