Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 10/4/09

This week’s latest Vibram five fingers reviews: My Take on the Vibram FiveFingers Running Shoes

Mountain Biking in Austin in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Lou continues to put his KSOs (and photography skills!) to good use: this time with a friend along t

Juergs puts his new KSO Trek fivefingers to the test

Juergs has been training in fivefingers since 2006 when he got his first pair of VFF Classics. Sinc

Lake Tahoe and Mark’s fivefinger Classics

“M” sent in the above three photos of his fivefinger Classics-clad feet on “their first vacation” to

Martin’s Flows and Spider-bites on the Inka Trail

In the mailbag comes the above photo from Martin, who recently took his VFF Flows to Machu Picchu &m

Piz Vacations in Canada in his black KSO Vibram FiveFingers

The above photos are of “Piz” showing off his black KSO Vibram fivefingers on his two week vacation

Introducing the Five Fingers Performa Jane, and a better look at the Five Fingers Bikila sole, and more on the Five Fingers Speed

(All of which is now old news to the forum members)Introducing the 2010 Vibram fivefingers Perfo

Pete gets his KSOed Feet wet on Spanish Beaches

Pete sent in the above two photos taken at a Spanish beach. I collapsed the two shots into an anima

A day of fun with Sonia at the Harley Party and Sands Casino as seen through black KSO VFFs

Above is a montage of photos sent in from Sonia who continues to enjoy her newfound foot freedom:

Running a 5K with Chad – this time in Classic Vibram Five Fingers

Here’s an update from Chad, who previously ran a marathon in his black KSO fivefingers, and recently