Max hits the Zoo in Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Max sent in the above photos taken at the Indianapolis zoo:Me and my fivefingers at the Indianapol

John Strolls around a Bazaar in Afghanistan in his KSO Vibram Five Fingers

The dirt “moon dust” is kept out pretty well with a combination of KSO and Injinji socks. Usually b

Why isn’t Vibram making a women’s fivefingers KSO Trek?

Ever since the VFF community heard that the new fivefingers KSO Trek would only be available for men

Ben and M-Cheezy Hiking Upstate New York in KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Ben emailed me about a post he did on his recent 8.6 mile hike up and down seven peaks at Harriman H

Post-run Headstand Leg Drains with Jawa

Jawa sent in the above photos taken after a seven mile run in Diamond Bar, California (You might rec

Barefooting and FiveFingers in the News (LA Times, NY Times, San Francisco Chronicle)

There has been a lot of either barefoot running and/or Vibram Five Fingers news over the past few da

Running San Pedro River Valley in FiveFinger KSOs

In the mailbag from “T” comes an account of finding a renewed ability to run painlessly across rugge

Georgia Shaw Interview with LivingBarefoot

Just finished listening to Living Barefoot’s latest podcast with Al and Tina in which they interview

Michael trail running Mueller Park in KSO fivefingers

Michael sent in the above photo taken Saturday at Mueller Park near Salt Lake City, Utah—Micha

Shanna and Kelly’s Vineyard 5K in Vibram Five Fingers Sprints

I received the above photos from Shanna and Kelly (each sporting Five Finger Sprints) taken after Sa