Playing Kickball in your Birthday Shoes

This past weekend a buddy of mine needed extra players for his Go Kickball league game, and since he

Birthday Shoes Interview with Vibram Five Fingers fan and runner Matthew Fleming

BirthdayShoes interviews Vibram Five Fingers fan (Sprint model) Matthew Fleming about running 50K races in his Vibrams.

Barefoot Shoes

Review of Vibram Five Fingers KSO (Keep Stuff Out)

Comprehensive review of the Vibram Five Fingers KSO barefoot shoes — Keep Stuff Out — the do anything, full coverage toe shoes from Vibram, and the most popular men’s model out!

The Painful Truth about [Sneakers]

Discussion on Christopher McDougall’s article about minimalist shoes and barefooting — the Painful Truth about Trainers

Flying “barefoot:” TSA reaction to Five Fingers

Last weekend Patri Friedman was donning his Five Fingers while traveling about to present on Seastea

About BirthdayShoes

This site was created in mid-April 2009 to be a central hub for reviews, pictures, ideas, experience

Vibram FiveFingers : Revolutionary toe shoes or “Barefoot Shoes”

The history of the world’s first toe shoes — Vibram FiveFingers. From whence they came, why barefoot shoes/toe shoes make sense, and how they are revolutionizing the traditional paradigms around footwear.