A Vibram Five Fingers fan photo from Jason who hangs from his tree wearing his KSO Vibrams. Real feet are great!

A Vibram Five Fingers fan photo from Jason who hangs from his tree wearing his KSO Vibrams. Real feet are great!
A video clip of Mark Sisson, an extraordinarily healthy 50-something blogger, doing Beach Sprints in Vibram Five Fingers!
Vibram Five Fingers fan Shawn plays shuffleboard on a cruise in the Caribbean while wearing his Classic Vibrams. For nicer dinners, he just wore a black suit with his black KSOs!
Vibram Five Fingers fan Ryan talks about running trails, yoga, weights, and crossfit in Arizona in his KSO and Classic Vibrams!
Interviewing Justine Lam on her Vibram Five Fingers KSOs — she uses them for hiking and crossfit, among other things.
How thin is the upper material on Vibram Five Fingers? Apparently, it’s thin enough to get bitten by mosquitoes through it! They make up for this lack of protection against insects by being breathable (not hot)!
A side by side video comparison of how one runner’s gait changes between running barefoot (employing a forefoot strike) or running in shoes heel-striking.
Please excuse the following birthday shoes alert:If you’re on facebook, I’ve just created the bi
A Vibram Five Fingers fan story from Chris in North Carolina who talks about his KSO Vibrams and his wife’s Sprints. Photo of Chris up a tree in his KSOs!
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Do you have Vibram FiveFingers, New Balance Minimus, huaraches like Xero Shoes or Luna Sandals? Nowadays, there are is a slew of “barefoot shoes” and folks are do…