Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 10/18/09

Of note in this week’s latest reviews we have an update from Micahel at Red Rocks Blue Sky who has b

Matching Classic FiveFingers: Galya and Roland’s new Kicks

In the mailbag came a “couples” photo; Galya and Roland are in love with their new black Classic Fiv

Paul Both’s Run for Liberty: Training to Run Across America in FiveFingers

I’ve recently had the opportunity to learn about Paul Both — a musician and sound engineer “wi

James’ KSO Trek Five Fingers at Work

Looks like another VFFer (See also Alan’s effort to VFF-ify corporate America) is taking their new K

Shawn Shows off the new black and orange KSO fivefingers (And his black classics)

The picture was taken of my V5F KSO(blk/orange/gray awesome color!) when I was just leaving the gym

Hail, yes! Timothy has Black KSO fivefingers.

Timothy sent in the above two photos of his black KSO fivefingers:Black KSO’s standing on hail a

Henk Sipers goes for a run in new KSOs

Henk Sipers emailed in the above photo showing him running alongside his dogs in his new fivefingers

Cody Tries Ultimate Frisbee in FiveFinger Sprints

Cody wrote in to tell me about his recent experience testing out his Vibram FiveFingers Sprints for

Jon hikes Shenandoah National Park in KSO FiveFingers

In the mailbag comes the above photo from Jon who recently hiked around Shenandoah National Park in

Hiking Eastern Oregon in KSO FiveFingers,Here are two pics of my dog (Jack) and me (David) with friends at an alpine la