Alternative Names for Vibram Five Fingers

Vibram FiveFingers wearers and gawkers alike all have come up with a slew of alternative names for “

Ben finishes first half-marathon in VFF KSOs

A shot taken by Ben’s wife mid-race — click for a larger version!I first heard from Ben ba

Conor Kayaking and Longboarding in Five Finger Sprints

Conor had uploaded to the Birthday Shoes / Vibram Five Fingers Facebook page the above photo of him

Tripp’s 5K in Vibram Five Finger Classics

Got an update from Tripp in Austin regarding his Five Finger Classics. He recently ran a 5K race in

Hiking Bethabara Park in Vibram Five Finger KSOs

The above photos, which I assimilated into a collage (click the image for a larger version), were ta

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 8/16/09

Another week goes by and we get a bunch of new reviews, including a “big one” by

Mini Golfin’ in Vibram Five Finger Classics

Kati and Ellyn got in a round of mini golf in their mauve/sand and black Classic Vibram Five Fingers

Kettlebells and Vibram FiveFinger Classics

In the mailbag came the above photos from Bob Garon, who does a “Kettlebell Boot Camp” in Gilbert, A

Interview with Vibram USA President Tony Post [Video]

Raw Food World TV did an impromptu interview with Vibram USA President Tony Post on Monday, August 1

No, Vibram Five Fingers are not for Teddy Bears!

Got the above photos of Anna, who successfully wrangled her new pair of Vibram FiveFinger KSOs away