Taking a Helicopter for a Spin in Five Finger Classics

Mike recently posted to the birthday shoes forums about his

Hiking Old Rag Mountain in VFFs with Michael and Tim [Video]

Tim Kelley, who now has run two triathlons in FiveFingers (The first was posted about here, the se

Jason Runs in Red Sprint FiveFingers

Jason (“Ardent” on the forums) sent in the following photo of his slightly muddied red and black Vib

Vibram Five Fingers, Fjords, and Fjell

Received the above photos of Mark taken at various places in Norway (Top to bottom: a fjord on the i

Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 8/23/09

Below are the past week’s latest reviews of Vibram Five Fingers: Vibram Five Fingers at tri l

Order the Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek, the Moc, and Performa!

I’m excited to announce that John over at KayakShed.com has started taking orders for the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa.

Lynn’s Half-Marathon in Vibram Five Finger KSOs

Lynn emailed in about hitting a personal record (PR) on the recent Rock’N’Roll Chicago half-marathon

Shawn’s Gone Fishing in Black KSO Five Fingers

The above photos were taken by Shawn, who has used his fivefinger KSOs not only to fish atop lake ro

Chris McDougall interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. Wearing black Fivefinger KSOs?

Last night Born to Run author Christopher McDougall was interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

Colin takes two weeks to “mill around” France barefoot or in Vibrams (Classics)

“I spent most of the time barefoot whilst milling around the campsites and driving. I wore my Vibrams when out and about sight seeing (because barefoot isn’t always appropriate) and cycling and I wore my cheap aging flipflops when the grass outside the tent was wet – my wife would go nuts if I even contemplated walking into the tent with muddy or wet feet/Vibrams.”