Vibram Five Fingers fan Kevin talks about his KSO Vibrams and getting his pregnant sister-in-law comfy in Classics.

Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers are perhaps one of the most common, if not the most common, color combination KSO in existence. Whether to wear them to work, attempt to blend in, or simply to look stealth while blacked out running, the Black KSO has clearly become a mainstay in teh Vibram Five Fingers line-up.
Below are all the user-submitted black KSO Vibram Five Fingers posts for all the Ninja, Gorilla, and Deeds’ wannabes in the VFF community!
Got Black KSO Vibrams? These fans do!
Vibram Five Fingers fan Kevin talks about his KSO Vibrams and getting his pregnant sister-in-law comfy in Classics.
Five improvisers/comics from New York City have a Vibram Five Fingers meet-up. They naturally take a great photo! Rocco talks about barefoot shoese and having no foot pain or back pain!
Mod your black Vibram Five Fingers KSO model to be dressy with black slacks by using a marker to darken and cover up the yellow stitching and logo. Even more ninja now!
Awesome Vibram Five Fingers KSO skydiving photo. Bobby talks about swooping and skydiving barefoot and in KSO Vibrams.
Interview with hang glider Davis Straub who flies barefoot or in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs.
Jesse sent in these birthday shoes shots where he’s donning his new black fivefinger KSOs in Santa M
A Vibram Five Fingers fan photo from Jason who hangs from his tree wearing his KSO Vibrams. Real feet are great!
Interview with Vibram Five Fingers fan and health enthusiast, blogger Richard Nikoley of the popular paleo community blog, Free the Animal