Sterling Purdy Gets Primal (And primally fit!) in his Vibram Five Fingers Sprints

An interview with Vibram Five Fingers fan Sterling Purdy who lost over 50 lbs. by changing his diet and lifestyle to one more in tune with his primal roots.

Getting Married in the Dunes. In Vibram Five Fingers!

Maybe one day Vibram will come out with some patent leather VFFs for gents in need of five-toed dress shoes and sequin and/or rhinestone-covered VFFs for the ladies. If they ever do, I’m sure we’ll cover it here.

Running a 5-mile race in Vibram 5 Fingers

A few Vibram Five Fingers fans run a five mile road race in Virginia. A set of photos and a nice race report on how the VFFs fared from Ryan!

Robert Explores Grenada in Vibram Five Finger Sprints

A Vibram Five Fingers fan travels to Grenada making good use of his VFF Sprints on hiking and exploring both the grounds of the resort and the ocean!

Naree combines Vibram Five Finger Sprints with Scuba Fins

Naree demonstrates how you can combine Vibram Five Fingers Sprints with Scuba Fins! Apparently, the combination works well (photos, user story!)

Brian Playing the Fife in Vibram Five Fingers

It’s great to continue hearing (and seeing!) all the great things everyone is doing in their Five Fi

Sarah Dances and Putt-Putts in her Classic Vibram Five Fingers

Sarah changes into her Vibram Five Fingers Classics to more comfortably dance at a wedding reception!

Patrick heads to Parks and Libraries in Five Finger KSOs

Patrick (linuxracr on the forums) from Dallas posted the above photos taken at various places includ

Tripp Tests out his Classic Vibram Five Fingers on a Trail

Tripp, a new VFFer out in Austin, Texas, wrote in about his first week walking about in his Five Fin

Cody Climbs at Clayton beach off Chuckanut drive (in Five Finger Sprints)

Got a couple photos in the mailbag from Cody. Cody’s was climbing at Clayton Beach, Washington. I